PROJECT: updated todo list
DBG: added 'erun', 'estep' etc.
DBG: added explicit api retrieval ("ntdll.dll:LdrGetFailuredata" works now)
GUI: added erun, estep etc in the menu + shortcut
GUI: fixed pageup+pagedown problem in disassembly
BRIDGE: added function DbgFunctionOverlaps and DbgFunctionGet
DBG: added functiondel + function commands
GUI: added setting/deleting functions in the GUI
BRIDGE: added FUNCTION structure to the ADDRINFO structure
DBG: fixed some potential buffer overflows in modname variables
DBG: added 'functions' to the database (functionfromaddr, functionoverlaps, functionadd)
DBG: added 'functionadd' command ("functionadd startAddr,endAddr")
DBG: FINALLY fixed this non-silent bug in mathfromstring
GUI: re-enabled Function_single drawing
DBG: check if process architecture matches the current debugger architecture
DBG: fixed a bug with non-silent valfromstring (last fix regarding silent stuff)
DBG: added memory operation brackets: '[', ']' and 'n:[' (see help)
GUI: removed useless info lines
PROJECT: updated help
BRIDGE: added GuiGetWindowHandle function
DBG: added crappy(!) string detection
DBG: fixed another bug with valfromstring not being silent
DBG: added function 'disasmgetstringat' (UNICODE detection doesnt work)
DBG: removed in-memory checking of the label inside _dbg_addrinfoget
DBG: updated disasm_helper (fill argument description)
DBG: fixed a bug with non-silent 'valfromstring' output
GUI: added InfoBox class
GUI: 'setShowHeader' function in the AbstractTableView
GUI: hide disassembly header
GUI: font fix for Qt5
GUI: added painting of function lines and loop lines (for analysis in the future)
GUI: fixed a drawing bug (caused little coloured dot) when making the column smaller
DBG: changed memory map modname (now with extension)
DBG: change the window title to the currently debugged file + modname in CPU window for currently disassembled module
GUI: added update window title + cpu title
DBG: added 'asm' command (there are bugs with original breakpoint bytes with this->MemWrite in TitanEngine)
DBG: fixed a bug inside bpenumall
DBG: added memwrite function
PROJECT: updated MSVC projects
BRIDGE: use _gui_sendmessage
BRIDGE: small change of enum value
GUI: cleaned up the bridge (directly use Dbg* exports)
GUI: removed many exports