Fully switch to crowdin-cli

This commit is contained in:
Duncan Ogilvie 2024-03-08 16:00:33 +01:00
parent 6414d080d2
commit 7ebd882673
2 changed files with 16 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -1,22 +1,20 @@
@echo off
if "%QT64PATH%"=="" set QT64PATH=c:\Qt\qt-5.6.2-x64-msvc2013\5.6\msvc2013_64\bin
SET PATH=%PATH%;%QT64PATH%;c:\Program Files\7-Zip
del /S /Q *.qm >nul 2>&1
curl -s -k https://api.crowdin.com/api/project/x64dbg/export?key=%CROWDIN_API_KEY%
curl -s -k -o translations.zip https://api.crowdin.com/api/project/x64dbg/download/all.zip?key=%CROWDIN_API_KEY%
echo Uploading English sources to Crowdin...
java -jar crowdin-cli.jar upload sources
if not %ERRORLEVEL%==0 exit /b
echo Downloading translations from Crowdin...
rmdir /S /Q translations >nul 2>&1
7z x -otranslations translations.zip >nul 2>&1
java -jar crowdin-cli.jar download
if not %ERRORLEVEL%==0 exit /b
echo Checking translations...
TranslationChecker.exe translations --folder --fix
cd translations
for /D %%a in (*) do (set fname=%%a) & call :rename
move *.qm ..\ >nul 2>&1
cd ..
echo Generating Qt translations...
for %%f in (translations\*.ts) do (
lrelease -nounfinished %%f
goto :eof
set trname=x64dbg_%fname:-=_%.ts
copy %fname%\x64dbg.ts %trname% >nul 2>&1
lrelease -nounfinished %trname%

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ files: [
# Where translations will be placed
# e.g. "/resources/%two_letters_code%/%original_file_name%"
"translation": "/translations/%locale_with_underscore%/%original_file_name%",
"translation": "/translations/x64dbg_%locale_with_underscore%.ts",
# Files or directories for ignore