- Instructions which are only valid in protected-mode are now rejected, if `ZYDIS_MACHINE_MODE_REAL_16` is used
- The `scale` of memory-operands is now correctly set to `1` in 16-bit mode, if an index register was specified
- Fixed scale-factor of memory operands, if SIB byte is used
- Fixed operand-encoding missing for some operands
- Added operand-size and address-size filters to the encoder-table
- Renamed Types.h to CommonTypes.h
- Splitted DecoderTypes.h into SharedTypes.h and DecoderTypes.h
- Splitted InstructionTable.h into SharedData.h and DecoderData.h
- Implemented `ZydisGetEncodableInstructions` in EncoderData.h
- Some internal changes to the data-tables