unit untHelperClasses; interface uses System.Classes, System.Generics.Collections, System.Generics.Defaults, SynCrossPlatformJSON; type TSizeFormatter = record public class function Format(Size: UInt64): String; static; end; TStringHelper = record public {** * Fast alternative to the @c System.StrUtils.IndexStr function * * @param S The string to search for. * @param Values The array of strings to search in. * * @return The index of @c S in the @c Values array or -1, if not found. *} class function IndexStr(const S: String; const Values: array of String): Integer; static; {** * Fast alternative to the @c System.SysUtils.AnsiLowerCase function * * @param S A reference to the target string. *} class procedure AnsiLowerCase(var S: String); static; end; TListHelper = record public class procedure BubbleSort(var List: TList; Comparer: IComparer); static; end; TJSONHelper = record public class function JSONToString(JSON: PJSONVariantData; const Ident: String = ''): String; static; end; TStringBuffer = class(TObject) strict private FBuffer: array of Char; FPosition: Integer; FCapacity: Integer; FChunkSize: Integer; strict private function GetValue: String; inline; public procedure Append(const S: String); procedure AppendLn(const S: String); public constructor Create; public property Value: String read GetValue; property ChunkSize: Integer read FChunkSize write FChunkSize; end; implementation uses System.SysUtils, System.Variants; { TSizeFormatter } class function TSizeFormatter.Format(Size: UInt64): String; const SZ_KB = 1024; SZ_MB = 1024 * 1024; SZ_GB = 1024 * 1024; var Format: TFormatSettings; begin Format := System.SysUtils.FormatSettings; Format.DecimalSeparator := '.'; if (Size >= SZ_GB) then begin Result := FormatFloat('0.00 GiB', Size / SZ_GB, Format); end else if (Size >= SZ_MB) then begin Result := FormatFloat('0.00 MiB', Size / SZ_MB, Format); end else if (Size >= SZ_KB) then begin Result := FormatFloat('0.00 KiB', Size / SZ_KB, Format); end else begin Result := FormatFloat('0.00 Byte', Size, Format); end; end; { TStringHelper } class function TStringHelper.IndexStr(const S: String; const Values: array of String): Integer; var L, I, J: Integer; B: Boolean; begin Result := -1; L := Length(S); for I := Low(Values) to High(Values) do begin if (L <> Length(Values[I])) then Continue; B := true; for J := 1 to Length(S) do begin if (S[J] <> Values[I][J]) then begin B := false; Continue; end; end; if (B) then begin Result := I; Break; end; end; end; class procedure TStringHelper.AnsiLowerCase(var S: String); const Lower: array of Char = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z']; var I: Integer; begin for I := 1 to Length(S) do begin if (CharInSet(S[I], ['A'..'Z'])) then begin S[I] := Lower[Ord(S[I]) - Ord('A')]; end; end; end; { TListHelper } class procedure TListHelper.BubbleSort(var List: TList; Comparer: IComparer); var I: Integer; Temp: T; Done: Boolean; begin repeat Done := true; for I := 0 to List.Count - 2 do begin if (Comparer.Compare(List[I], List[I + 1]) > 0) then begin Temp := List[I]; List[I] := List[I + 1]; List[I + 1] := Temp; Done := false; end; end; until Done; end; { TJSONHelper } class function TJSONHelper.JSONToString(JSON: PJSONVariantData; const Ident: String = ''): String; // TODO: This helper function needs refactoring procedure JSONToString(Buffer: TStringBuffer; JSON: PJSONVariantData; const Ident: String = ''); procedure ValueToJSON(Buffer: TStringBuffer; const Value: Variant); var I64: Int64; B: Boolean; S: String; begin if (TVarData(Value).VType = JSONVariantType.VarType) then begin JSONToString(Buffer, @TJSONVariantData(Value), Ident + ' '); end else if (TVarData(Value).VType = varByRef or varVariant) then begin ValueToJSON(Buffer, PVariant(TVarData(Value).VPointer)^) end else if (TVarData(Value).VType <= varNull) then begin Buffer.Append('null'); end else if (TVarData(Value).VType = varBoolean) then begin B := Value; Buffer.Append(LowerCase(BoolToStr(B, true))); end else if (VarIsOrdinal(Value)) then begin I64 := Value; Buffer.Append(IntToStr(I64)); end else if (TVarData(Value).VType = varDate) then begin Buffer.Append(DateTimeToJSON(TVarData(Value).VDouble)); end else if (VarIsFloat(Value)) then begin DoubleToJSON(Value, S); Buffer.Append(S); end else if (VarIsStr(Value)) then begin Buffer.Append(StringToJSON(Value)); end else begin Buffer.Append(Value); end; end; var I: Integer; begin case JSON.Kind of jvObject: begin Buffer.AppendLn('{'); for I := 0 to JSON.Count - 1 do begin Buffer.Append(Ident); Buffer.Append(' '); Buffer.Append(StringToJSON(JSON.Names[I]) + ': '); ValueToJSON(Buffer, JSON.Values[I]); if (I = JSON.Count - 1) then begin Buffer.AppendLn(''); end else begin Buffer.AppendLn(','); end; end; Buffer.Append(Ident); Buffer.Append('}'); end; jvArray: begin Buffer.AppendLn('['); for I := 0 to JSON.Count - 1 do begin Buffer.Append(Ident); Buffer.Append(' '); ValueToJSON(Buffer, JSON.Values[I]); if (I = JSON.Count - 1) then begin Buffer.AppendLn(''); end else begin Buffer.AppendLn(','); end; end; Buffer.Append(Ident); Buffer.Append(']'); end else begin Buffer.Append('null'); end; end; end; var Buffer: TStringBuffer; begin Buffer := TStringBuffer.Create; try JSONToString(Buffer, JSON, Ident); Result := Buffer.Value; finally Buffer.Free; end; end; { TStringBuffer } procedure TStringBuffer.Append(const S: String); var L: Integer; begin L := Length(S); while (FPosition + L > FCapacity) do begin Inc(FCapacity, FChunkSize); SetLength(FBuffer, FCapacity); end; Move(S[1], FBuffer[FPosition], L * SizeOf(FBuffer[0])); Inc(FPosition, L); end; procedure TStringBuffer.AppendLn(const S: String); begin Append(S); Append(sLineBreak); end; constructor TStringBuffer.Create; begin inherited Create; FChunkSize := 1024 * 16; FCapacity := FChunkSize; SetLength(FBuffer, FChunkSize); end; function TStringBuffer.GetValue: String; begin SetLength(Result, FPosition); Move(FBuffer[0], Result[1], FPosition * SizeOf(FBuffer[0])); end; end.