The instruction-pointer was always pointing to the next instruction (which is inconsistent for branch instructions). We can't always tell IF an instruction is going to branch (for the conditional ones), so we decided to completely remove it.
You can always manually combine `instrAddress` and `length` to calculate this value.
* Removed `userData` from the `ZydisDecodedInstruction` struct
* Added `userData` as parameter to all formatter-callbacks
* Added `ZydisFormatterFormatInstructionEx` function with the additional `userData` paramter
* Updated the `FormatterHooks.c` demo
- `ZydisUtilsCalcAbsoluteTargetAddress` is now called `ZydisCalcAbsoluteAddress`
- `ZydisCalcAbsoluteAddress` does now handle `MEM` operands with absolute displacement values
- Imported meta-info from Intel XED
- Added instruction-category meta-info to the `ZydisDecodedInstruction` struct
- Added isa-set meta-info to the `ZydisDecodedInstruction` struct
- Added isa-extension meta-info to the `ZydisDecodedInstruction` struct
- Renamed Types.h to CommonTypes.h
- Splitted DecoderTypes.h into SharedTypes.h and DecoderTypes.h
- Splitted InstructionTable.h into SharedData.h and DecoderData.h
- Implemented `ZydisGetEncodableInstructions` in EncoderData.h
- Some internal changes to the data-tables