
246 lines
7.6 KiB

//--- 010 Editor v6.0 Binary Template
// File:
// Author: L. Potjewijd
// Revision: 1.20
// Date: 20150531
// Purpose: Parsing OrCad 3.20a schematic files
enum <ubyte> fType {BLOCK,WORKSHEET};
enum <ubyte> YesNo {no,yes};
enum <ubyte> paper {OrcadA,OrcadB,OrcadC,OrcadD,OrcadE};
enum <ubyte> rotate {none,CCW_90,CCW_180,CCW_270};
enum <ubyte> primT {dwgDetails,sheet,part,line,bus,junction,modulePort,label,busEntry,dashedLine,powerSymbol,text,EndOfList=0x0f};
enum <ubyte> IOtype {UNSPEC,OUTPUT,INPUT,BIDIR};
enum <ubyte> Pstyle {block,pointL,pointR,pointLR};
enum <ubyte> side {left,right,top,bottom};
enum <ubyte> PStype {circle,arrow,bar,wave};
enum <ubyte> align {centered,just_left,just_right};
enum <ubyte> Btype {downleft,upleft};
typedef byte bit; // just for readability
typedef struct sText
{ byte Length <hidden=true>;
if (Length > 0) char String[Length];
typedef struct fTxt (byte fixLen)
{ byte Length <hidden=true>;
if (Length > 0) char String[Length];
if ((fixLen > 0) && (fixLen > Length)) char filler[fixLen-Length];
typedef struct Coord
{ short X;
short Y;
typedef struct PartField
{ Coord Location;
sText Value;
typedef struct IDstring
{ char text[14]; // "Schematic FILE"
char terminator[3]; // #13, #10, #26
typedef struct hdrDet
{ IDstring head;
if (head.text != "Schematic FILE")
{ Warning("File is not recognized as an OrCAD schematic file.");
return -1;
ubyte tail[5];
int primitiveSectionLength <format=hex>;
Coord cursor;
ushort zoom;
typedef struct pP00 // TITLEBLOCK
{ ushort sheetNumber;
ushort ofSheets;
paper PaperSize;
fTxt DocDate(12);
fTxt DocNumber(36);
fTxt RevNumber(3);
fTxt Title(44);
fTxt Organisation(44);
fTxt AddressLine(44)[4] <optimize=false>; // for readability
typedef struct pP01 // SHEET
{ local int i <hidden=true>;
Coord Location;
Coord Size;
ubyte unknown[4];
ubyte Ports;
sText FileName;
sText SheetName;
for ( i=0 ; i < Ports ; i++ )
struct PortDef
{ short NameXoffset;
short PortYoffset;
IOtype Type;
sText Name;
} Port;
typedef struct pP02 // PART
{ Coord Location;
Coord RefDesLocation;
Coord ValueLocation;
struct PartDet1
{ ubyte raw <format=binary>;/* this is to display */
FSkip (-1); /* the 'raw' bits, too */
YesNo mirror : 1;
rotate rotation : 2;
byte subpackage : 5;
} Details;
struct PartDet2
{ BigEndian(); /*************************/
ushort raw <format=binary>;/* this is to display */
LittleEndian(); /* the 'raw' bits, too */
FSkip (-2); /*************************/
bit bitF : 1 <hidden=true>;
YesNo XtraFields : 1;
bit bitD : 1 <hidden=true>;
bit bitC : 1 <hidden=true>;
bit bitB : 1 <hidden=true>;
YesNo HideValue : 1;
YesNo HideRefDes : 1;
bit bit8 : 1 <hidden=true>;
YesNo HideField8 : 1;
YesNo HideField7 : 1;
YesNo HideField6 : 1;
YesNo HideField5 : 1;
YesNo HideField4 : 1;
YesNo HideField3 : 1;
YesNo HideField2 : 1;
YesNo HideField1 : 1;
} Visibility;
ubyte unknown[13] <format=hex>;
sText RefDes;
sText PartValue;
if (Visibility.XtraFields == yes)
PartField Xfield[8] <optimize=false>;
typedef struct pP03 // LINE, BUS or DASHED LINE
{ Coord Start;
Coord End;
typedef struct pP05 // JUNCTION
{ Coord Location;
typedef struct pP06 // MOD_PORT
{ Coord Location;
struct PortDet
{ ubyte MinLength;
ubyte raw <format=binary>;// this is to display //
FSkip (-1); // the 'raw' bits, too //
IOtype PortType : 2;
Pstyle PortStyle : 2;
bit bit3 : 1 <hidden=true>;
bit bit2 : 1 <hidden=true>;
bit bit1 : 1 <hidden=true>;
bit bit0 : 1 <hidden=true>;
} Details;
sText PortName ;
typedef struct pP07 // LABEL or TEXT
{ Coord Location;
short rawSize <hidden=true>;
local ushort Size = Abs(rawSize);
local YesNo Vertical = (rawSize < 0);
sText Name;
typedef struct pP08 // BUS_ENTRY
{ Coord Location;
struct BusDet
{ ubyte raw <format=binary>;// this is to display //
FSkip (-1); // the 'raw' bits, too //
bit bit7 : 1 <hidden=true>;
bit bit6 : 1 <hidden=true>;
bit bit5 : 1 <hidden=true>;
bit bit4 : 1 <hidden=true>;
bit bit3 : 1 <hidden=true>;
bit bit2 : 1 <hidden=true>;
YesNo isBusType : 1;
Btype direction : 1;
} Details;
typedef struct pP0A // PWR_SYM
{ Coord Location;
struct PSDet
{ ubyte raw <format=binary>;// this is to display //
FSkip (-1); // the 'raw' bits, too //
bit bit7 : 1 <hidden=true>;
bit bit6 : 1 <hidden=true>;
bit bit5 : 1 <hidden=true>;
bit bit4 : 1 <hidden=true>;
side Orientation : 2;
PStype Shape : 2;
} Details;
sText Name;
typedef struct Element // the actual displayable items
{ primT Type <hidden=true>;
ushort DataLength <hidden=true>;
switch ( Type )
{ case 0x00 : {pP00 TITLE_BLOCK;break;}
case 0x01 : {pP01 SHEET; break;}
case 0x02 : {pP02 PART; break;}
case 0x03 : {pP03 LINE; break;}
case 0x04 : {pP03 BUS; break;}
case 0x05 : {pP05 JUNCTION; break;}
case 0x06 : {pP06 MOD_PORT; break;}
case 0x07 : {pP07 LABEL; break;}
case 0x08 : {pP08 BUS_ENTRY; break;}
case 0x09 : {pP03 DASH_LINE; break;}
case 0x0a : {pP0A PWR_SYM; break;}
case 0x0b : {pP07 TEXT; break;}
case 0x0f : {/* End Of List */ break;}
case 0x11 : {pP01 bSHEET; break;}
case 0x12 : {pP02 bPART; break;}
case 0x13 : {pP03 bLINE; break;}
case 0x14 : {pP03 bBUS; break;}
case 0x15 : {pP05 bJUNCTION; break;}
case 0x16 : {pP06 bMOD_PORT; break;}
case 0x17 : {pP07 bLABEL; break;}
case 0x18 : {pP08 bBUS_ENTRY; break;}
case 0x19 : {pP03 bDASH_LINE; break;}
case 0x1a : {pP0A bPWR_SYM; break;}
case 0x1b : {pP07 bTEXT; break;}
default : { Printf ("Unknown primitive: %x, ",Type);
return (-1);
// ***************************************************************************
hdrDet HEADER;
{ Element primitive;
while ( primitive.Type != EndOfList );
while ( !FEof() )
{ sText part;