
289 lines
9.6 KiB

//--- 010 Editor v6.0 Binary Template
// File:
// Author: L. Potjewijd
// Revision: 1.21
// Date: 20150530
// Purpose: Parsing OrCad 3.20a library files
enum <byte> YesNo {No,Yes};
enum <byte> Vtype {END,LINE,CIRCLE,TEXT,ARC,FILL};
enum <byte> ptype {IN,I_O,OUT,OC,PAS,hiZ,OE,PWR};
enum <byte> pquad {II,IV};
enum <byte> pside {Left,Right,Top,Bottom};
typedef byte bit; // just for readability
typedef struct sText
{ byte Length <hidden=true>;
if (Length > 0) char String[Length];
typedef struct fTxt (byte fixLen)
{ byte Length <hidden=true>;
if (Length > 0) char String[Length];
if ((fixLen > 0) && (fixLen > Length)) char filler[fixLen-Length];
typedef struct Coord
{ short X;
short Y;
typedef struct idxP
{ ushort NameOffset <format=hex>;
ushort DefOffset <format=hex>;
WORD PrefixBitmap <format=binary>;
WORD unknown <format=hex>;
typedef struct Offsets
{ ushort offsetLarge;
ushort offsetMedium;
ushort offsetSmall;
typedef struct PartDet
{ BigEndian(); /*************************/
WORD raw <format=binary>; /* this is to display */
LittleEndian(); /* the 'raw' bits, too */
FSkip (-2); /*************************/
YesNo hasConvDef : 1; // exact meaning is uncertain
bit bitE : 1 <hidden=true>;
bit bitD : 1 <hidden=true>;
ubyte subparts : 5; // maximum = 16
YesNo isGridArray : 1;
bit bit6 : 1 <hidden=true>;
bit bit5 : 1 <hidden=true>;
bit bit4 : 1 <hidden=true>;
bit bit3 : 1 <hidden=true>;
YesNo NormBitmap : 1;
YesNo ConvBitmap : 1;
bit bit0 : 1 <hidden=true>;
typedef struct PinDet
{ BigEndian(); /*************************/
WORD raw <format=binary>; /* this is to display */
LittleEndian(); /* the 'raw' bits, too */
FSkip (-2); /*************************/
YesNo vertical : 1 <hidden=true>;;
byte location : 7;
ptype type : 3;
YesNo isShort : 1;
YesNo hasDOT : 1;
YesNo hasCLK : 1;
bit bit1 : 1 <hidden=true>;
pquad quadrant : 1 <hidden=true>;
local pside side = quadrant + (2 * vertical);
typedef struct DefPart
{ ushort Length <format=hex>;
local ushort PartStart <format=hex, hidden=true>;
local ushort PartEnd <format=hex, hidden=true>;
local ushort NextPart <format=hex, hidden=true>;
PartStart = FTell();
PartEnd = PartStart + Length - 1;
NextPart = PartEnd + 1;
short sizeX <format=decimal>;
short sizeY <format=decimal>;
PartDet PartDetails;
short PinsPerPart;
WORD unknown1 <format=hex>;
if (PartDetails.NormBitmap == Yes)
Offsets NormalBitmap;
if (PartDetails.ConvBitmap == Yes)
{ WORD unknown2 <format=hex>;
Offsets ConvertBitmap;
sText RefDesPrefix;
typedef struct DefPin
{ PinDet PinDetails;
sText Name;
if (PartDetails.subparts > 0)
{ if (PartDetails.isGridArray == No)
byte PinNumber[PartDetails.subparts] <optimize=false>;
else sText PinNumber[PartDetails.subparts] <optimize=false>;
if (PinsPerPart > 0)
{ DefPin NormalPin[PinsPerPart] <optimize=false>;
if (PartDetails.ConvBitmap == Yes)
{ j=0;
while ((FTell() < NextPart) && (j < PinsPerPart))
{ DefPin ConvertPin;
else j=PinsPerPart;
if (FTell() < NextPart)
{ Printf(" Part %i has orphaned pin definition(s).\n",i);
while (FTell() < NextPart) DefPin orphanPin;
if (j < PinsPerPart)
{ Printf(" Part %i has %i missing pin definition(s).\n",i,PinsPerPart-j);
FSkip (NextPart-FTell());
typedef struct BM
{ ushort Length;
ushort offsetVectormap;
byte graphic[Length-2] <format=binary>;
typedef struct VM
{ ushort Length;
typedef struct VecDef
{ Vtype Type;
switch (Type)
{ case END : break;
case LINE : {Coord start;
Coord finish; break;}
case CIRCLE : {Coord center;
short radius; break;}
case TEXT : {Coord origin;
ubyte size;
sText text; break;}
case ARC : {Coord center;
Coord start;
Coord finish;
short radius; break;}
case FILL : {Coord location; break;}
default : {Printf (" Unknown vector type %i at 0x%X\n",Type,FTell());
return -1;}
do VecDef Vector;
while (Vector.Type != END);
void SORTlist (int start, int finish) // Qsort routine
{ local int left = start;
local int right = finish;
local ushort pivot = list[((start+finish)/2)];
local ushort temp;
{ while (left <= right)
{ while (list[left] < pivot) left++;
while (list[right] > pivot) right--;
if (left <= right)
{ temp=list[left]; list[left]=list[right]; list[right]=temp;
}; //if
}; //while
if (start < right) SORTlist(start,right);
if (left < finish) SORTlist(left,finish);
} while (left <= right);
// ***************************************************************************
// header section
struct HeaderDef
{ struct IDstring
{ char text[14]; // "LIBRARY OBJECT"
char term[3]; // #13, #10, #26
} head;
if (head.text != "LIBRARY OBJECT")
{ Warning("\nFile is not an OrCAD library file.\n");
Exit (-1);
byte filler[8];
ushort IndexOffset; // may be something else
int idxLength <format=hex>;
local int entries <hidden=true>;
entries = HEADER.idxLength / 8;
local int parts <hidden=true>;
parts = entries-1;
local ushort list[entries] <hidden=true>;
local int i <hidden=true>;
local int j <hidden=true>;
local int k <hidden=true>;
//index section
struct IndexDef
{ idxP Pointer[entries] <format=hex>;
sText Name[entries] <format=hex, optimize=false>;
for ( k=0; k < entries; k++ )
list[k]=INDEX.Pointer[k].DefOffset; // copy definition offsets
SORTlist (0,parts);
list[parts]=0; // mark end of list
for ( i=0; i < entries-1; i++ ) // hunt for doubles
{ j=i+1;
while ((list[i]==list[j]) && (j <= parts))
j++; // count doubles to move
if ((j <= parts) && (j > i+1))
while (j > i+1) // found doubles to shift
{ for ( k=i+1; k < parts; k++ )
list[k]=list[k+1]; // shift values
list[k]=0; // mark new end
parts--; // reduce search length
Printf("\nIndex has %i entries, %i distinct parts.\n",entries,parts);
// prefix section
struct PrefixDef
{ DWORD unknown[16] <format=hex>;
fTxt LEFT(7)[16];
fTxt RIGHT(7)[16];
// part definitions
local uint PartSecStart <format=hex, hidden=true>;
PartSecStart = FTell();
ushort PartSectionLength <format=hex>;
local uint PartSecEnd <format=hex, hidden=true>;
PartSecEnd = FTell() + PartSectionLength -1;
Printf ("Part section has %i bytes (0x%X-0x%X)\n",PartSectionLength,PartSecStart,PartSecEnd);
while (FTell() < PartSecEnd) DefPart Part;
// bitmap section
local uint BitmapSecStart <format=hex, hidden=true>;
BitmapSecStart = FTell();
ushort BitmapSectionLength <format=hex>;
local uint BitmapSecEnd <hidden=true>;
BitmapSecEnd = FTell() + BitmapSectionLength -1;
Printf ("Bitmap section has %i bytes (0x%X-0x%X)\n",BitmapSectionLength,BitmapSecStart,BitmapSecEnd);
while (FTell() < BitmapSecEnd) BM Bitmap;
// vector section
local uint VecSecStart <format=hex, hidden=true>;
VecSecStart = FTell();
ushort VectorSectionLength <format=hex>;
local uint VecSecEnd <hidden=true>;
VecSecEnd = FTell() + VectorSectionLength -1;
Printf ("Vector section has %i bytes (0x%X-0x%X)\n",VectorSectionLength,VecSecStart,VecSecEnd);
while (FTell() < VecSecEnd) VM VectorSet;
// sheetpath index
local uint SheetIndexStart <format=hex, hidden=true>;
SheetIndexStart = FTell();
Printf ("Sheetpath index starts at 0x%X\n",SheetIndexStart);
ushort SheetpathIndex[entries];
// sheetpath section
ushort SheetSectionLength;
local uint SheetSectionStart <format=hex, hidden=true>;
SheetSectionStart = FTell();
local uint SheetSecEnd <hidden=true>;
SheetSecEnd = FTell() + SheetSectionLength -1;
Printf ("Sheetpath section starts at 0x%X\n",SheetSectionStart);
while (FTell() < SheetSecEnd) sText Sheetpath;
if (!FEof()) Printf("Found extra bytes at end of file.");