
426 lines
11 KiB

//--- 010 Editor v2.0 Binary Template
// File: Tacx Total
// Author: Nestor Matas
// Revision: 1.0
// Purpose: Defines a template for
// parsing All Tacx files PGMF CAF IMF RLV MRLV.
// Define structures used in Tacx files
typedef struct {
WORD FileFingerprint;
WORD FileVersion;
DWORD BlockCount;
typedef struct {
WORD BlockFingerprint; //Identifies the data to follow
WORD BlockVersion; //A 3 digit number indicating the block version, e.g. 100 or 110
DWORD RecordCount; //Number of records in the block
DWORD RecordSize; //Size of each record in the block
typedef struct {
DWORD CheckSum;
CHAR CourseName[34];
DWORD WattSlopePulse; //0 = Watt program, 1 = Slope program, 2 = Pulse (HR) program
DWORD TimeDist; //0 = Time based program, 1 = distance based program
DOUBLE TotalTimeDist; //Total time (in seconds) or distance (in metres) of complete program
DOUBLE EnergyCons;
FLOAT AltitudeStart;
DWORD BrakeCategory;
typedef struct {
FLOAT DurationDistance; //Seconds or metres, depending on program type
FLOAT PulseSlopeWatts; //Pulse, slope or watts data, depending on program type
FLOAT RollingFriction; // Usually 4.0
typedef struct {
FLOAT Start; //Start of route section (time (s) or distance (m), depending on program type)
FLOAT End; //End of route section (time (s) or distance (m), depending on program type)
CHAR CourseSegmentName[66];
CHAR TextFile[522];
typedef struct{
CHAR VideoFileName[522];// Location of the RLV AVI file
FLOAT FrameRate; // Video frame rate
FLOAT OrgRunWeight;
INT FrameOffset;
typedef struct{
UINT16 Year;
UINT16 Month;
UINT16 DayOfWeek;
UINT16 DayOfMonth;
UINT16 Hour;
UINT16 Minute;
UINT16 Second;
UINT16 Millisecond;
FLOAT RecordInterval;// secs
DOUBLE Distance;//m
DOUBLE Duration; //s
INT32 CoolDownCount;
UINT32 NotFinished;//0 = ride completed, 1 = ride not completed
BYTE HRMin; //bpm
BYTE HRMax; //bpm
CHAR Feeling[42];
CHAR Temperature[22]; //deg C
UINT16 VendorID;
UINT16 BrakeType; //Brake type. i-Magic 6402, Fortius 6466, Cosmos 6514, Fortagic (Fortius Multiplayer) 6450
UINT32 SerialNo; //
UINT32 DriverVersion; //The format of the version number is part1.part2.part3 where part1 = (DriverVersion & 0xFF0000) >> 16, part2 = (DriverVersion & 0xFF00) >> 8 and part3 = DriverVersion & 0xFF
UINT16 TrainerYear;//Trainer year of manufacture
BYTE TrainerMonth;
BYTE TrainerDay;
UINT32 BrakeSerialNo;
UINT32 BrakeVersion;
UINT16 BrakeYear;
BYTE BrakeMonth;
BYTE BrakeDay;
INT16 CalibrationX10; //Divide by 10 to get calibration value
BYTE ScaleFactor;
BYTE Reserved_1;
UINT32 Reserved_2;
FLOAT CA; //VR parameters
FLOAT Ccw;//VR parameters
FLOAT Crho;//VR parameters
FLOAT Crr;//VR parameters
FLOAT CeffBike;//VR parameters
FLOAT CeffCyclist;//VR parameters
FLOAT Slope;//VR parameters
INT16 AirSpeedAbs;//VR parameters
BYTE BikeMass;//VR parameters
BYTE CyclistWeight;//VR parameters
FLOAT VirtSpeedAccelFactor;//VR parameters
UINT32 Reserved_3;
UINT32 Reserved_4;
INT32 LazyMode;
INT32 VRParamExt;
INT32 RLVFlags;
typedef struct{
UINT16 Year;
UINT16 Month;
UINT16 DayOfWeek;
UINT16 DayOfMonth;
UINT16 Hour;
UINT16 Minute;
UINT16 Second;
UINT16 Millisecond;
FLOAT RecordInterval;// secs
DOUBLE Distance;//m
DOUBLE Duration; //s
INT32 CoolDownCount;
UINT32 NotFinished;//0 = ride completed, 1 = ride not completed
BYTE HRMin; //bpm
BYTE HRMax; //bpm
CHAR Feeling[42];
CHAR Temperature[22]; //deg C
UINT16 VendorID;
UINT16 BrakeType; //Brake type. i-Magic 6402, Fortius 6466, Cosmos 6514, Fortagic (Fortius Multiplayer) 6450
UINT32 SerialNo; //
UINT32 DriverVersion; //The format of the version number is part1.part2.part3 where part1 = (DriverVersion & 0xFF0000) >> 16, part2 = (DriverVersion & 0xFF00) >> 8 and part3 = DriverVersion & 0xFF
UINT16 TrainerYear;//Trainer year of manufacture
BYTE TrainerMonth;
BYTE TrainerDay;
UINT32 BrakeSerialNo;
UINT32 BrakeVersion;
UINT16 BrakeYear;
BYTE BrakeMonth;
BYTE BrakeDay;
INT16 CalibrationX10; //Divide by 10 to get calibration value
BYTE ScaleFactor;
BYTE Reserved_1;
UINT32 Reserved_2;
FLOAT CA; //VR parameters
FLOAT Ccw;//VR parameters
FLOAT Crho;//VR parameters
FLOAT Crr;//VR parameters
FLOAT CeffBike;//VR parameters
FLOAT CeffCyclist;//VR parameters
FLOAT Slope;//VR parameters
INT16 AirSpeedAbs;//VR parameters
BYTE BikeMass;//VR parameters
BYTE CyclistWeight;//VR parameters
FLOAT VirtSpeedAccelFactor;//VR parameters
UINT32 Reserved_3;
UINT32 Reserved_4;
INT32 RLVSlopeAdjustmentPercent;
INT32 VRParamExt;
INT32 RLVFlags;
CHAR CourseName[34];
typedef struct{
CHAR Team[34];
CHAR RiderName[34];
FLOAT Weight; //kg
BYTE Gender; // 0 = female, 1 = male for VR, reversed for Catalyst
FLOAT Height;// cm
UINT BirthYear;// UInt32
BYTE BirthMonth;
BYTE BirthDay;
BYTE HRMax;//bpm
BYTE HRRest;//bpm
BYTE HRAThreshold;
CHAR Email[522];
CHAR Country[66];
CHAR Remarks[522];
typedef struct{
FLOAT Distance;
BYTE Cadence;
UINT16 PowerX10;//Divide by 10 to get actual power in watts
UINT16 SpeedX10;//Divide by 10 to get actual speed in km/h
typedef struct{
CHAR SegmentName[66];
CHAR InfoFile[522];
DOUBLE Distance;
INT32 PrgCnt;
typedef struct{
CHAR ProgName[34];
INT32 PrgIdx;
DOUBLE DistTimeBeg;
DOUBLE DistTimeEnd;
CHAR Name[66];
CHAR InfoFil[522];
INT32 LapCount;
typedef struct{
UINT32 FrameNumber;
FLOAT DistancePerFrame;
typedef struct{
INT32 Frame; // Frame number
INT32 Cmd;
typedef struct{
DWORD CheckSum;
CHAR CourseName[34];
CHAR Terrain[34];
FLOAT RecordInterval;
DOUBLE CourseDistance;
DOUBLE RunTime;//Total run time of pilot route
INT32 CoolDownCount;
INT32 RunFlags;
INT32 BrakeType;
typedef struct{
FLOAT X; //x co-ordinate on 3D map
FLOAT Y; //y co-ordinate on 3D map (and height in metres)
FLOAT Z; //z co-ordinate on 3D map
FLOAT Alpha;//Horizontal alignment of rider at each coordinate
FLOAT Beta; //Declination of rider at each coordinate
FLOAT Gamma;
BYTE HeartRate;
BYTE Cadence;
INT16 PowerX10;
INT16 SpeedX10;
FLOAT TerrainAngle;
FLOAT ForkAngle; // < -100 = crash
typedef struct{
CHAR CourseName[34];
CHAR Terrain[34];
UINT16 Year;
UINT16 Month;
UINT16 DayOfWeek;
UINT16 DayOfMonth;
UINT16 Hour;
UINT16 Minute;
UINT16 Second;
UINT16 Millisecond;
FLOAT RecordInterval;// secs
DOUBLE Distance;//m
DOUBLE Duration; //s
INT32 CoolDownCount;
UINT32 NotFinished;//0 = ride completed, 1 = ride not completed
BYTE HRMin; //bpm
BYTE HRMax; //bpm
CHAR Feeling[42];
CHAR Temperature[22]; //deg C
UINT16 VendorID;
UINT16 BrakeType; //Brake type. i-Magic 6402, Fortius 6466, Cosmos 6514, Fortagic (Fortius Multiplayer) 6450
UINT32 SerialNo; //
UINT32 DriverVersion; //The format of the version number is part1.part2.part3 where part1 = (DriverVersion & 0xFF0000) >> 16, part2 = (DriverVersion & 0xFF00) >> 8 and part3 = DriverVersion & 0xFF
UINT16 TrainerYear;//Trainer year of manufacture
BYTE TrainerMonth;
BYTE TrainerDay;
UINT32 BrakeSerialNo;
UINT32 BrakeVersion;
UINT16 BrakeYear;
BYTE BrakeMonth;
BYTE BrakeDay;
INT16 CalibrationX10; //Divide by 10 to get calibration value
BYTE ScaleFactor;
BYTE Reserved_1;
UINT32 Reserved_2;
FLOAT CA; //VR parameters
FLOAT Ccw;//VR parameters
FLOAT Crho;//VR parameters
FLOAT Crr;//VR parameters
FLOAT CeffBike;//VR parameters
FLOAT CeffCyclist;//VR parameters
FLOAT Slope;//VR parameters
INT16 AirSpeedAbs;//VR parameters
BYTE BikeMass;//VR parameters
BYTE CyclistWeight;//VR parameters
FLOAT VirtSpeedAccelFactor;//VR parameters
UINT32 Reserved_3;
UINT32 Reserved_4;
INT32 LazyMode;
INT32 VRParamExt;
INT32 CollisionsOn;
FLOAT WindStrength;//0 = none, 12 = low, 24 = middle, 36 = high
FLOAT WindDirection;// -180 < x <= 180 (north = 0)
FLOAT ScaleFactor2;
INT32 CrashTimesCount;
typedef struct{
FLOAT X; //x co-ordinate on 3D map
FLOAT Y; //y co-ordinate on 3D map (and height in metres)
FLOAT Z; //z co-ordinate on 3D map
FLOAT Alpha; //Horizontal alignment of rider at each co-ordinate
FLOAT Beta; //Declination of rider at each co-ordinate
FLOAT Gamma;
BYTE HR;//bpm Heart rate
BYTE Cadence;//rpm
UINT16 PowerX10;//watts x 10
UINT16 SpeedX10;//km/h x 10
FLOAT TerrainAngle;//Vertical alignment of rider at each co-ordinate
FLOAT ForkAngle;//< -100 = crash
typedef struct{
UINT32 LapTime; //ms Cumulative
// Define the headers
HEADER head;
// Check for header
if( head.FileFingerprint != 4000
&& head.FileFingerprint != 3000
&& head.FileFingerprint != 2000
&& head.FileFingerprint != 1000 )
Warning( "File is not a Tacx file. Template stopped." );
return -1;
local int i;
for (i=0; i<head.BlockCount;i++)
if( blk.BlockFingerprint == 1010 )
GENERALINFO ginfo[blk.RecordCount];
else if( blk.BlockFingerprint == 2040 )
COURSEINFO courseinfo[blk.RecordCount];
else if( blk.BlockFingerprint == 1020 )
PROGRAM pdata[blk.RecordCount];
else if( blk.BlockFingerprint == 210 )
else if( blk.BlockFingerprint == 2010 )
RLVINFO rlvinfo;
else if( blk.BlockFingerprint == 3010 )
if(blk.BlockVersion == 100)
RIDEINFO_100 rideinfo;
else if(blk.BlockVersion == 110)
RIDEINFO_110 rideinfo;
else if( blk.BlockFingerprint == 120 )
char notes[blk.RecordCount*blk.RecordSize];
else if( blk.BlockFingerprint == 3020 )
RIDEDATA ride[blk.RecordCount];
else if( blk.BlockFingerprint == 6010 )
else if( blk.BlockFingerprint == 6020 )
else if( blk.BlockFingerprint == 130 )
DOUBLE unkown_130;
else if( blk.BlockFingerprint == 2020 )
RLV_FRAMEDISTANCE rlvfd[blk.RecordCount];
else if( blk.BlockFingerprint == 2030 )
RLV_INFOBOX iboxes[blk.RecordCount];
else if( blk.BlockFingerprint == 4010 )
GENERAL_INFO_VR ginfovr[blk.RecordCount];
else if( blk.BlockFingerprint == 4020 )
COURSE_DATA_VR cdatavr[blk.RecordCount];
else if( blk.BlockFingerprint == 4030 )
RIDEINFO_VR rinfovr[blk.RecordCount];
else if( blk.BlockFingerprint == 110 )
LAPDATA lapdata[blk.RecordCount];
else if( blk.BlockFingerprint == 4040)
RIDEDATA_VR ridedata_vr[blk.RecordCount];
Warning( "Unknown Block Fingerprint");
return -1;