
139 lines
4.3 KiB

//--- 010 Editor v2.0.1 Binary Template
// File:
// Author: Kevin O. Grover <>
// Purpose: A template for parsing PNG (Portable Network Graphics) files.
// Version: 1.1 2009-02-25
// History:
// 2005-05-11 KOG Initial version
// 2005-06-29 KOG Fixed typos in comments
// 2009-02-23 KOG Decode IHDR and tEXt chunks
// This template was written to the PNG 1.2 Specification.
// Note however, that it does not check nor parse chunk subdata, so it
// should work with all future PNG specifications.
// Also, a possible caveat: PNG encourages the type of chunks to be
// mapped to strings of the form "[a-zA-Z]{4}". However, it's not a requirement.
// Summary of PNG Format:
// A PNG file consists of an 8 byte ID followed by a series of chunks.
// Each Chunk is
// length (4 bytes), chunk_type (4 bytes), data (length bytes), crc (4 bytes)
// CRC Does NOT include the length bytes.
BigEndian(); // PNG files are in Network Byte order
const uint64 PNGMAGIC = 0x89504E470D0A1A0AL;
// Chunk Type
typedef union {
uint32 ctype <format=hex>; // Chunk Type
char cname[4]; // character representation
} CTYPE <read=readCTYPE>;
string readCTYPE(local CTYPE &t) {
return t.cname;
// -- Specific Chunks
// IHDR - Image Header
typedef struct {
uint32 width;
uint32 height;
ubyte bits;
ubyte color_type;
ubyte compression;
ubyte filter;
ubyte interlace;
} IHDR <read=readIHDR>;
string readIHDR(local IHDR &ihdr) {
local string s;
SPrintf(s, "%i x %i (x%i)", ihdr.width, ihdr.height, ihdr.bits);
return s;
// tEXt - Text Data
typedef struct {
string label; // to the first NULL (including)
char data[length - Strlen(label) - 1]; // rest of the data
} tEXt <read=readtEXt>;
string readtEXt(local tEXt &text) {
local string s;
SPrintf(s, "%s = %s", text.label,;
return s;
// -- End: Specific Chunks
local uint32 CHUNK_CNT = 0;
// Generic Chunks
typedef struct {
uint32 length; // Number of data bytes (not including length,type, or crc)
local quad pos_start = FTell();
CTYPE type; // Type of chunk
if (type.cname == "IHDR") {
IHDR ihdr;
} else if (type.cname == "tEXt") {
tEXt text;
} else {
ubyte data[length]; // Data (or not present)
local quad data_size = FTell() - pos_start;
uint32 crc <format=hex>; // CRC type and data (not including length or crc)
local uint32 crc_calc = Checksum(CHECKSUM_CRC32, pos_start, data_size);
if (crc != crc_calc) {
local string msg;
SPrintf(msg, "*WARNING CRC Mismatch @ chunk[%d] (%08x != %08x)\n", CHUNK_CNT, crc, crc_calc);
} CHUNK <read=readCHUNK>;
// Chunks can be in any order: HOWEVER, IHDR must be first, IEND must be last
// Bit 5s in chunk type bytes are used to flag some things:
// Ancillary bit: bit 5 of 1st byte: 0=Critical, 1=Ancillary
// Private bit: bit 5 of 2nd byte: 0=Public, 1=Private
// Reserved bit: bit 5 of 3rd byte: MUST be 0
// Safe to Copy bit: bit 5 of 4th byte: 0=Unsafe to Copy, 1=Safe to Copy
string readCHUNK(local CHUNK &c) {
local string s;
s=readCTYPE(c.type)+" (";
s += (c.type.cname[0] & 0x20) ? "Ancillary, " : "Critical, ";
s += (c.type.cname[1] & 0x20) ? "Private, " : "Public, ";
s += (c.type.cname[2] & 0x20) ? "ERROR_RESERVED, " : "";
s += (c.type.cname[3] & 0x20) ? "Safe to Copy)" : "Unsafe to Copy)";
return s;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MAIN -- Here's where we really allocate the data
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
uint64 pngid <format=hex>;
if (pngid != PNGMAGIC) {
Warning("Invalid PNG File: Bad Magic Number");
return -1;
while(!FEof()) {
CHUNK chunk;
if (CHUNK_CNT > 1) {
if ((chunk[0].type.cname != "IHDR") || (chunk[CHUNK_CNT-1].type.cname != "IEND")) {
local string msg;
SPrintf(msg, "*WARNING: Chunk IHDR must be first and chunk IEND must be last!\n");