//----------------------------------- //--- 010 Editor v2.0 Binary Template // // File: SF2Template.bt // Author: gocha // Revision: 1.1 // Purpose: Defines a template for // parsing SF2 (SoundFont 2.04) files. // Tested with: Polyphone. //----------------------------------- typedef CHAR ID[4]; local int cGrayZone = 0xd9dadc; local int cOrange = 0xaae3f9; local int cSytrus = 0xaaf7ff; local int cGreenGreens = 0xaaecdf; local int cCureMarine = 0xffe1ce; local int cCureMarine_Alt = 0xfdf1dd; local int cPurpleMadness = 0xeec3dd; local int cPurpleMadness_Alt = 0xffe1fa; //----------------------------------- // Define structures used in SF2 files // SoundFont 2 RIFF File Format Type Definitions typedef enum { monoSample = 1, rightSample = 2, leftSample = 4, linkedSample = 8, RomMonoSample = 0x8001, RomRightSample = 0x8002, RomLeftSample = 0x8004, RomLinkedSample = 0x8008, } SFSampleLink; typedef enum { startAddrsOffset = 0, endAddrsOffset = 1, startloopAddrsOffset = 2, endloopAddrsOffset = 3, startAddrsCoarseOffset = 4, modLfoToPitch = 5, vibLfoToPitch = 6, modEnvToPitch = 7, initialFilterFc = 8, initialFilterQ = 9, modLfoToFilterFc = 10, modEnvToFilterFc = 11, endAddrsCoarseOffset = 12, modLfoToVolume = 13, chorusEffectsSend = 15, reverbEffectsSend = 16, pan = 17, delayModLFO = 21, freqModLFO = 22, delayVibLFO = 23, freqVibLFO = 24, delayModEnv = 25, attackModEnv = 26, holdModEnv = 27, decayModEnv = 28, sustainModEnv = 29, releaseModEnv = 30, keynumToModEnvHold = 31, keynumToModEnvDecay = 32, delayVolEnv = 33, attackVolEnv = 34, holdVolEnv = 35, decayVolEnv = 36, sustainVolEnv = 37, releaseVolEnv = 38, keynumToVolEnvHold = 39, keynumToVolEnvDecay = 40, instrument = 41, keyRange = 43, velRange = 44, startloopAddrsCoarseOffset = 45, keynum = 46, velocity = 47, initialAttenuation = 48, endloopAddrsCoarseOffset = 50, coarseTune = 51, fineTune = 52, sampleID = 53, sampleModes = 54, scaleTuning = 56, exclusiveClass = 57, overridingRootKey = 58, endOper = 60, } SFGenerator; typedef enum { noController = 0, noteOnVelocity = 2, noteOnKeyNumber = 3, polyPressure = 10, channelPressure = 13, pitchWheel = 14, pitchWheelSensitivity = 16, link = 127, } SFGeneralController; typedef enum { generalController = 0, midiController = 1, } SFControllerPalette; typedef enum { increase = 0, decrease = 1, } SFControllerDirection; typedef enum { unipolar = 0, bipolar = 1, } SFControllerPolarity; typedef enum { linearType = 0, concaveType = 1, convexType = 2, switchType = 3, } SFControllerType; typedef struct { union { SFGeneralController general : 7; BYTE midi : 7; } index; SFControllerPalette palette : 1; SFControllerDirection direction : 1; SFControllerPolarity polarity : 1; SFControllerType type : 6; } SFModulator; typedef enum { linear = 0, absoluteValue = 2, } SFTransform; typedef struct { BYTE byLo; BYTE byHi; } rangesType; typedef union { rangesType ranges; SHORT shAmount; WORD wAmount; } genAmountType; // SoundFont 2 RIFF File Format Level 3 typedef struct { WORD wMajor; WORD wMinor; } sfVersionTag; typedef struct { CHAR achPresetName[20]; WORD wPreset; WORD wBank; WORD wPresetBagNdx; DWORD dwLibrary; DWORD dwGenre; DWORD dwMorphology; } sfPresetHeader; typedef struct { WORD wGenNdx; WORD wModNdx; } sfPresetBag; typedef struct { SFModulator sfModSrcOper; SFGenerator sfModDestOper; SHORT modAmount; SFModulator sfModAmtSrcOper; SFTransform sfModTransOper; } sfModList; typedef struct { SFGenerator sfGenOper; genAmountType genAmount; } sfGenList; typedef struct { CHAR achInstName[20]; WORD wInstBagNdx; } sfInst; typedef struct { WORD wInstGenNdx; WORD wInstModNdx; } sfInstBag; typedef struct { SFModulator sfModSrcOper; SFGenerator sfModDestOper; SHORT modAmount; SFModulator sfModAmtSrcOper; SFTransform sfModTransOper; } sfInstModList; typedef struct { SFGenerator sfGenOper; genAmountType genAmount; } sfInstGenList; typedef struct { CHAR achSampleName[20]; DWORD dwStart; DWORD dwEnd; DWORD dwStartloop; DWORD dwEndloop; DWORD dwSampleRate; BYTE byOriginalKey; CHAR chCorrection; WORD wSampleLink; SFSampleLink sfSampleType; } sfSample; // SoundFont 2 RIFF File Format Level 2 typedef struct { ID chunkID; DWORD chunkSize; CHAR text[chunkSize]; // Padding so the next chunk starts on an even byte if( (chunkSize & 1) && (FTell() < FileSize()) ) UCHAR padding; } ZSTRCk; typedef struct { ID chunkID; DWORD chunkSize; local quad pos = FTell(); if( FileSize() - pos >= sizeof( sfVersionTag ) ) { sfVersionTag version; } local int unknownDataSize = chunkSize - (FTell() - pos); if( unknownDataSize > 0 ) { Printf( "Encountered unknown data in chunk '%s' of size %d at position 0x%LX.\n", chunkID, unknownDataSize, FTell() ); UCHAR unknownData[unknownDataSize]; } // Padding so the next chunk starts on an even byte if( (chunkSize & 1) && (FTell() < FileSize()) ) UCHAR padding; } sfVersionTagCk; typedef struct { ID chunkID; DWORD chunkSize; SHORT samples[chunkSize / 2]; local int unknownDataSize = chunkSize - (FTell() - pos); if( unknownDataSize > 0 ) { Printf( "Encountered unknown data in chunk '%s' of size %d at position 0x%LX.\n", chunkID, unknownDataSize, FTell() ); UCHAR unknownData[unknownDataSize]; } // Padding so the next chunk starts on an even byte if( (chunkSize & 1) && (FTell() < FileSize()) ) UCHAR padding; } smplCk; typedef struct { ID chunkID; DWORD chunkSize; BYTE samples[chunkSize]; // Padding so the next chunk starts on an even byte if( (chunkSize & 1) && (FTell() < FileSize()) ) UCHAR padding; } sm24Ck; typedef struct { ID chunkID; DWORD chunkSize; local quad pos = FTell(); while( chunkSize - (FTell() - pos) >= sizeof( sfPresetHeader ) ) { sfPresetHeader header; } local int unknownDataSize = chunkSize - (FTell() - pos); if( unknownDataSize > 0 ) { Printf( "Encountered unknown data in chunk '%s' of size %d at position 0x%LX.\n", chunkID, unknownDataSize, FTell() ); UCHAR unknownData[unknownDataSize]; } // Padding so the next chunk starts on an even byte if( (chunkSize & 1) && (FTell() < FileSize()) ) UCHAR padding; } phdrCk; typedef struct { ID chunkID; DWORD chunkSize; local quad pos = FTell(); while( chunkSize - (FTell() - pos) >= sizeof( sfPresetBag ) ) { sfPresetBag bag; } local int unknownDataSize = chunkSize - (FTell() - pos); if( unknownDataSize > 0 ) { Printf( "Encountered unknown data in chunk '%s' of size %d at position 0x%LX.\n", chunkID, unknownDataSize, FTell() ); UCHAR unknownData[unknownDataSize]; } // Padding so the next chunk starts on an even byte if( (chunkSize & 1) && (FTell() < FileSize()) ) UCHAR padding; } pbagCk; typedef struct { ID chunkID; DWORD chunkSize; local quad pos = FTell(); while( chunkSize - (FTell() - pos) >= sizeof( sfModList ) ) { sfModList mod; } local int unknownDataSize = chunkSize - (FTell() - pos); if( unknownDataSize > 0 ) { Printf( "Encountered unknown data in chunk '%s' of size %d at position 0x%LX.\n", chunkID, unknownDataSize, FTell() ); UCHAR unknownData[unknownDataSize]; } // Padding so the next chunk starts on an even byte if( (chunkSize & 1) && (FTell() < FileSize()) ) UCHAR padding; } pmodCk; typedef struct { ID chunkID; DWORD chunkSize; local quad pos = FTell(); while( chunkSize - (FTell() - pos) >= sizeof( sfGenList ) ) { sfGenList gen; } local int unknownDataSize = chunkSize - (FTell() - pos); if( unknownDataSize > 0 ) { Printf( "Encountered unknown data in chunk '%s' of size %d at position 0x%LX.\n", chunkID, unknownDataSize, FTell() ); UCHAR unknownData[unknownDataSize]; } // Padding so the next chunk starts on an even byte if( (chunkSize & 1) && (FTell() < FileSize()) ) UCHAR padding; } pgenCk; typedef struct { ID chunkID; DWORD chunkSize; local quad pos = FTell(); while( chunkSize - (FTell() - pos) >= sizeof( sfInst ) ) { sfInst inst; } local int unknownDataSize = chunkSize - (FTell() - pos); if( unknownDataSize > 0 ) { Printf( "Encountered unknown data in chunk '%s' of size %d at position 0x%LX.\n", chunkID, unknownDataSize, FTell() ); UCHAR unknownData[unknownDataSize]; } // Padding so the next chunk starts on an even byte if( (chunkSize & 1) && (FTell() < FileSize()) ) UCHAR padding; } instCk; typedef struct { ID chunkID; DWORD chunkSize; local quad pos = FTell(); while( chunkSize - (FTell() - pos) >= sizeof( sfInstBag ) ) { sfInstBag bag; } local int unknownDataSize = chunkSize - (FTell() - pos); if( unknownDataSize > 0 ) { Printf( "Encountered unknown data in chunk '%s' of size %d at position 0x%LX.\n", chunkID, unknownDataSize, FTell() ); UCHAR unknownData[unknownDataSize]; } // Padding so the next chunk starts on an even byte if( (chunkSize & 1) && (FTell() < FileSize()) ) UCHAR padding; } ibagCk; typedef struct { ID chunkID; DWORD chunkSize; local quad pos = FTell(); while( chunkSize - (FTell() - pos) >= sizeof( sfInstModList ) ) { sfInstModList mod; } local int unknownDataSize = chunkSize - (FTell() - pos); if( unknownDataSize > 0 ) { Printf( "Encountered unknown data in chunk '%s' of size %d at position 0x%LX.\n", chunkID, unknownDataSize, FTell() ); UCHAR unknownData[unknownDataSize]; } // Padding so the next chunk starts on an even byte if( (chunkSize & 1) && (FTell() < FileSize()) ) UCHAR padding; } imodCk; typedef struct { ID chunkID; DWORD chunkSize; local quad pos = FTell(); while( chunkSize - (FTell() - pos) >= sizeof( sfInstGenList ) ) { sfInstGenList gen; } local int unknownDataSize = chunkSize - (FTell() - pos); if( unknownDataSize > 0 ) { Printf( "Encountered unknown data in chunk '%s' of size %d at position 0x%LX.\n", chunkID, unknownDataSize, FTell() ); UCHAR unknownData[unknownDataSize]; } // Padding so the next chunk starts on an even byte if( (chunkSize & 1) && (FTell() < FileSize()) ) UCHAR padding; } igenCk; typedef struct { ID chunkID; DWORD chunkSize; local quad pos = FTell(); while( chunkSize - (FTell() - pos) >= sizeof( sfSample ) ) { sfSample sample; } local int unknownDataSize = chunkSize - (FTell() - pos); if( unknownDataSize > 0 ) { Printf( "Encountered unknown data in chunk '%s' of size %d at position 0x%LX.\n", chunkID, unknownDataSize, FTell() ); UCHAR unknownData[unknownDataSize]; } // Padding so the next chunk starts on an even byte if( (chunkSize & 1) && (FTell() < FileSize()) ) UCHAR padding; } shdrCk; // SoundFont 2 RIFF File Format Level 2 typedef struct { ID chunkID; DWORD chunkSize; CHAR data[chunkSize]; // Padding so the next chunk starts on an even byte if( (chunkSize & 1) && (FTell() < FileSize()) ) UCHAR padding; } UNKNOWNLISTSUBCHUNK; typedef struct { ID chunkID; DWORD chunkSize; local quad pos = FTell(); ID chunkType; // Read the subchunks local char tag[5]; local DWORD size; while( FTell() - pos < chunkSize ) { // Read the chunk tag ReadBytes( tag, FTell(), 4 ); tag[4] = 0; // Read the chunk size size = ReadUInt( FTell() + 4 ); if( FTell() - pos + size > chunkSize ){ Printf( "Chunk '%s' of size %d at position 0x%LX exceeds the parent chunk size boundary.\n", tag, size, FTell() ); return -1; } // See which subchunk this is switch( tag ) { case "ifil": SetBackColor( cOrange ); sfVersionTagCk ifil; break; case "isng": SetBackColor( cOrange ); ZSTRCk isng; break; case "INAM": SetBackColor( cOrange ); ZSTRCk INAM; break; case "iver": SetBackColor( cSytrus ); sfVersionTagCk iver; break; case "ICRD": SetBackColor( cSytrus ); ZSTRCk ICRD; break; case "IENG": SetBackColor( cSytrus ); ZSTRCk IENG; break; case "IPRD": SetBackColor( cSytrus ); ZSTRCk IPRD; break; case "ICOP": SetBackColor( cSytrus ); ZSTRCk ICOP; break; case "ICMT": SetBackColor( cSytrus ); ZSTRCk ICMT; break; case "ISFT": SetBackColor( cSytrus ); ZSTRCk ISFT; break; default: // Unknown chunk Printf( "Encountered unknown chunk '%s' of size %d at position 0x%LX.\n", tag, size, FTell() ); SetBackColor( cNone ); UNKNOWNLISTSUBCHUNK chunk; break; } } // Padding so the next chunk starts on an even byte if( (chunkSize & 1) && (FTell() < FileSize()) ) UCHAR padding; } INFOCk; typedef struct { ID chunkID; DWORD chunkSize; local quad pos = FTell(); ID chunkType; // Read the subchunks local char tag[5]; local DWORD size; while( FTell() - pos < chunkSize ) { // Read the chunk tag ReadBytes( tag, FTell(), 4 ); tag[4] = 0; // Read the chunk size size = ReadUInt( FTell() + 4 ); if( FTell() - pos + size > chunkSize ){ Printf( "Chunk '%s' of size %d at position 0x%LX exceeds the parent chunk size boundary.\n", tag, size, FTell() ); return -1; } // See which subchunk this is switch( tag ) { case "smpl": SetBackColor( cGreenGreens ); smplCk smpl; break; case "sm24": SetBackColor( cGreenGreens ); sm24Ck sm24; break; default: // Unknown chunk Printf( "Encountered unknown chunk '%s' of size %d at position 0x%LX.\n", tag, size, FTell() ); SetBackColor( cNone ); UNKNOWNLISTSUBCHUNK chunk; break; } } // Padding so the next chunk starts on an even byte if( (chunkSize & 1) && (FTell() < FileSize()) ) UCHAR padding; } sdtaCk; typedef struct { ID chunkID; DWORD chunkSize; local quad pos = FTell(); ID chunkType; // Read the subchunks local char tag[5]; local DWORD size; while( FTell() - pos < chunkSize ) { // Read the chunk tag ReadBytes( tag, FTell(), 4 ); tag[4] = 0; // Read the chunk size size = ReadUInt( FTell() + 4 ); if( FTell() - pos + size > chunkSize ){ Printf( "Chunk '%s' of size %d at position 0x%LX exceeds the parent chunk size boundary.\n", tag, size, FTell() ); return -1; } // See which subchunk this is switch( tag ) { case "phdr": SetBackColor( cCureMarine ); phdrCk phdr; break; case "pbag": SetBackColor( cCureMarine_Alt ); pbagCk pbag; break; case "pmod": SetBackColor( cCureMarine ); pmodCk pmod; break; case "pgen": SetBackColor( cCureMarine_Alt ); pgenCk pgen; break; case "inst": SetBackColor( cPurpleMadness ); instCk inst; break; case "ibag": SetBackColor( cPurpleMadness_Alt ); ibagCk ibag; break; case "imod": SetBackColor( cPurpleMadness ); imodCk imod; break; case "igen": SetBackColor( cPurpleMadness_Alt ); igenCk igen; break; case "shdr": SetBackColor( cSytrus ); shdrCk shdr; break; default: // Unknown chunk Printf( "Encountered unknown chunk '%s' of size %d at position 0x%LX.\n", tag, size, FTell() ); SetBackColor( cNone ); UNKNOWNLISTSUBCHUNK subchunk; break; } } // Padding so the next chunk starts on an even byte if( (chunkSize & 1) && (FTell() < FileSize()) ) UCHAR padding; } pdtaCk; // SoundFont 2 RIFF File Format Level 1 typedef struct { ID chunkID; DWORD chunkSize; local quad pos = FTell(); ID chunkType; // Read the subchunks local char tag[5]; local DWORD size; while( FTell() - pos < chunkSize ) { // Read the chunk tag ReadBytes( tag, FTell(), 4 ); tag[4] = 0; // Read the chunk size size = ReadUInt( FTell() + 4 ); if( FTell() - pos + size > chunkSize ){ Printf( "Chunk '%s' of size %d at position 0x%LX exceeds the parent chunk size boundary.\n", tag, size, FTell() ); return -1; } UNKNOWNLISTSUBCHUNK subchunk; } // Padding so the next chunk starts on an even byte if( (chunkSize & 1) && (FTell() < FileSize()) ) UCHAR padding; } UNKNOWNLISTCHUNK; typedef struct { ID chunkID; DWORD chunkSize; UCHAR unknownData[chunkSize]; // Padding so the next chunk starts on an even byte if( (chunkSize & 1) && (FTell() < FileSize()) ) UCHAR padding; } UNKNOWNCHUNK; // SoundFont 2 RIFF File Format Level 0 typedef struct { ID groupID; DWORD size; ID riffType; } RIFFHEADER; //--------------------------------------------- // Define the headers local quad riff_pos = FTell(); LittleEndian(); SetBackColor( cGrayZone ); RIFFHEADER header; // Check for valid header if( header.groupID != "RIFF" || header.riffType != "sfbk" ) { Warning( "File is not a valid SF2 file. Template stopped." ); return -1; } // Read the file as a set of chunks local char tag[5]; local DWORD size; local char list_tag[5]; while( FTell() + 8 <= FileSize() && FTell() - riff_pos != header.size + 8 ) { // Read the chunk tag ReadBytes( tag, FTell(), 4 ); tag[4] = 0; // Read the chunk size size = ReadUInt( FTell() + 4 ); // See which chunk this is switch( tag ) { case "LIST": // Read the chunk tag ReadBytes( list_tag, FTell() + 8, 4 ); list_tag[4] = 0; switch( list_tag ) { case "INFO": SetBackColor( cGrayZone ); INFOCk INFO; break; case "sdta": SetBackColor( cGrayZone ); sdtaCk sdta; break; case "pdta": SetBackColor( cGrayZone ); pdtaCk pdta; break; default: SetBackColor( cNone ); UNKNOWNLISTCHUNK list; break; } break; default: // Unknown chunk Printf( "Encountered unknown chunk '%s' of size %d at position 0x%LX.\n", tag, size, FTell() ); SetBackColor( cNone ); UNKNOWNCHUNK unknown; break; } } // Verify the whole file size local quad actual_size = FTell() - riff_pos; if( actual_size != 8 + header.size ) { Printf( "RIFF file size mismatch (header value %Ld, actual size %Ld).\n", header.size, actual_size - 8 ); return -1; }