//-------------------------------------- //--- 010 Editor v2.1.3 Binary Template // // File: EMFTemplate.bt // Author: Dustin D. Trammell // Revision: 0.1 // Date: 2008/04/08 - 2008/04/08 // Purpose: Parsing EMF files. // References: // MS-EMF: Enhanced Metafile Format Specification 2.1, Microsoft //-------------------------------------- typedef enum { EMR_HEADER = 0x00000001, EMR_POLYBEZIER = 0x00000002, EMR_POLYGON = 0x00000003, EMR_POLYLINE = 0x00000004, EMR_POLYBEZIERTO = 0x00000005, EMR_POLYLINETO = 0x00000006, EMR_POLYPOLYLINE = 0x00000007, EMR_POLYPOLYGON = 0x00000008, EMR_SETWINDOWEXTEX = 0x00000009, EMR_SETWINDOWORGEX = 0x0000000A, EMR_SETVIEWPORTEXTEX = 0x0000000B, EMR_SETVIEWPORTORGEX = 0x0000000C, EMR_SETBRUSHORGEX = 0x0000000D, EMR_EOF = 0x0000000E, EMR_SETPIXELV = 0x0000000F, EMR_SETMAPPERFLAGS = 0x00000010, EMR_SETMAPMODE = 0x00000011, EMR_SETBKMODE = 0x00000012, EMR_SETPOLYFILLMODE = 0x00000013, EMR_SETROP2 = 0x00000014, EMR_SETSTRETCHBLTMODE = 0x00000015, EMR_SETTEXTALIGN = 0x00000016, EMR_SETCOLORADJUSTMENT = 0x00000017, EMR_SETTEXTCOLOR = 0x00000018, EMR_SETBKCOLOR = 0x00000019, EMR_OFFSETCLIPRGN = 0x0000001A, EMR_MOVETOEX = 0x0000001B, EMR_SETMETARGN = 0x0000001C, EMR_EXCLUDECLIPRECT = 0x0000001D, EMR_INTERSECTCLIPRECT = 0x0000001E, EMR_SCALEVIEWPORTEXTEX = 0x0000001F, EMR_SCALEWINDOWEXTEX = 0x00000020, EMR_SAVEDC = 0x00000021, EMR_RESTOREDC = 0x00000022, EMR_SETWORLDTRANSFORM = 0x00000023, EMR_MODIFYWORLDTRANSFORM = 0x00000024, EMR_SELECTOBJECT = 0x00000025, EMR_CREATEPEN = 0x00000026, EMR_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT = 0x00000027, EMR_DELETEOBJECT = 0x00000028, EMR_ANGLEARC = 0x00000029, EMR_ELLIPSE = 0x0000002A, EMR_RECTANGLE = 0x0000002B, EMR_ROUNDRECT = 0x0000002C, EMR_ARC = 0x0000002D, EMR_CHORD = 0x0000002E, EMR_PIE = 0x0000002F, EMR_SELECTPALETTE = 0x00000030, EMR_CREATEPALETTE = 0x00000031, EMR_SETPALETTEENTRIES = 0x00000032, EMR_RESIZEPALETTE = 0x00000033, EMR_REALIZEPALETTE = 0x00000034, EMR_EXTFLOODFILL = 0x00000035, EMR_LINETO = 0x00000036, EMR_ARCTO = 0x00000037, EMR_POLYDRAW = 0x00000038, EMR_SETARCDIRECTION = 0x00000039, EMR_SETMITERLIMIT = 0x0000003A, EMR_BEGINPATH = 0x0000003B, EMR_ENDPATH = 0x0000003C, EMR_CLOSEFIGURE = 0x0000003D, EMR_FILLPATH = 0x0000003E, EMR_STROKEANDFILLPATH = 0x0000003F, EMR_STROKEPATH = 0x00000040, EMR_FLATTENPATH = 0x00000041, EMR_WIDENPATH = 0x00000042, EMR_SELECTCLIPPATH = 0x00000043, EMR_ABORTPATH = 0x00000044, EMR_RESERVED_69 = 0x00000045, EMR_COMMENT = 0x00000046, EMR_FILLRGN = 0x00000047, EMR_FRAMERGN = 0x00000048, EMR_INVERTRGN = 0x00000049, EMR_PAINTRGN = 0x0000004A, EMR_EXTSELECTCLIPRGN = 0x0000004B, EMR_BITBLT = 0x0000004C, EMR_STRETCHBLT = 0x0000004D, EMR_MASKBLT = 0x0000004E, EMR_PLGBLT = 0x0000004F, EMR_SETDIBITSTODEVICE = 0x00000050, EMR_STRETCHDIBITS = 0x00000051, EMR_EXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW = 0x00000052, EMR_EXTTEXTOUTA = 0x00000053, EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW = 0x00000054, EMR_POLYBEZIER16 = 0x00000055, EMR_POLYGON16 = 0x00000056, EMR_POLYLINE16 = 0x00000057, EMR_POLYBEZIERTO16 = 0x00000058, EMR_POLYLINETO16 = 0x00000059, EMR_POLYPOLYLINE16 = 0x0000005A, EMR_POLYPOLYGON16 = 0x0000005B, EMR_POLYDRAW16 = 0x0000005C, EMR_CREATEMONOBRUSH = 0x0000005D, EMR_CREATEDIBPATTERNBRUSHPT = 0x0000005E, EMR_EXTCREATEPEN = 0x0000005F, EMR_POLYTEXTOUTA = 0x00000060, EMR_POLYTEXTOUTW = 0x00000061, EMR_SETICMMODE = 0x00000062, EMR_CREATECOLORSPACE = 0x00000063, EMR_SETCOLORSPACE = 0x00000064, EMR_DELETECOLORSPACE = 0x00000065, EMR_GLSRECORD = 0x00000066, EMR_GLSBOUNDEDRECORD = 0x00000067, EMR_PIXELFORMAT = 0x00000068, EMR_DRAWESCAPE = 0x00000069, EMR_EXTESCAPE = 0x0000006A, EMR_RESERVED_107 = 0x0000006B, EMR_SMALLTEXTOUT = 0x0000006C, EMR_FORCEUFIMAPPING = 0x0000006D, EMR_NAMEDESCAPE = 0x0000006E, EMR_COLORCORRECTPALETTE = 0x0000006F, EMR_SETICMPROFILEA = 0x00000070, EMR_SETICMPROFILEW = 0x00000071, EMR_ALPHABLEND = 0x00000072, EMR_SETLAYOUT = 0x00000073, EMR_TRANSPARENTBLT = 0x00000074, EMR_RESERVED_117 = 0x00000075, EMR_GRADIENTFILL = 0x00000076, EMR_SETLINKEDUFIS = 0x00000077, EMR_SETTEXTJUSTIFICATION = 0x00000078, EMR_COLORMATCHTOTARGETW = 0x00000079, EMR_CREATECOLORSPACEW = 0x0000007A } RecordType; typedef struct { LONG cx; LONG cy; } SIZEL; typedef struct _RECTL { LONG left; LONG top; LONG right; LONG bottom; } RECTL; typedef struct { RecordType iType; // Record type EMR_HEADER. DWORD nSize; // Record size in bytes. This may be greater // than the sizeof(ENHMETAHEADER). RECTL rclBounds; // Inclusive-inclusive bounds in device units. RECTL rclFrame; // Inclusive-inclusive Picture Frame of // metafile in .01 mm units. DWORD dSignature; // Signature. Must be ENHMETA_SIGNATURE. DWORD nVersion; // Version number. DWORD nBytes; // Size of the metafile in bytes. DWORD nRecords; // Number of records in the metafile. WORD nHandles; // Number of handles in the handle table. // Handle index zero is reserved. WORD sReserved; // Reserved. Must be zero. DWORD nDescription; // Number of chars in the unicode description string. // This is 0 if there is no description string. DWORD offDescription; // Offset to the metafile description record. // This is 0 if there is no description string. DWORD nPalEntries; // Number of entries in the metafile palette. SIZEL szlDevice; // Size of the reference device in pixels. SIZEL szlMillimeters; // Size of the reference device in millimeters. } Header; typedef struct { WORD desc[header.nDescription]; } Description; typedef struct { RecordType iType; // Record type EMR_XXX DWORD nSize; // Record size in bytes DWORD dParm[((nSize-8)/4)]; // DWORD Array of parameters } Record; typedef struct { uchar Reserved; uchar Blue; uchar Green; uchar Red; } PaletteEntry; // START LittleEndian(); // Header Header header; // Optional Description FSeek(header.offDescription); Description description; // Start of Records (after header) FSeek(header.nSize); // Parse the number of records indicated in the header local int recCnt = 0; for( recCnt = 0; recCnt < header.nRecords - 1; recCnt++ ) { Record record; } // If the last record wasn't EMR_EOF, there should be more records // even though they exceed the count in the header do { Record extrarecord; recCnt++; } while( record[recCnt-1].iType != EMR_EOF); // Check last record or header for presence of Palette local int palCnt = 0; for( palCnt = 0; palCnt < header.nPalEntries; palCnt++ ) { PaletteEntry paletteentry; }