//-------------------------------------- //--- 010 Editor v2.0.2 Template File // // File: PALTemplate.bt // Author: SweetScape Software // Revision: 1.1 // Purpose: Parses a Microsoft PAL // palette file. // SweetScape: Changed display order // in ReadRGBQUAD to match the BMP // template (Oct 24th, 2007). //-------------------------------------- // Declare a structure for holding a color typedef struct { uchar red; uchar green; uchar blue; uchar alpha; } RGBQUAD ; // Custom read functions for color types - this allows the // color to be displayed without having to open up the structure. string ReadRGBQUAD( RGBQUAD &a ) { string s; SPrintf( s, "#%02X%02X%02X%02X", a.alpha, a.red, a.green, a.blue ); return s; } //--------------------------------------------- // Declare the file header char file_signature[4]; int file_length; char tag_type[4]; // Declare the RIFF chunk with color data char chunk_signature[4]; int chunk_size; ushort version ; //should be 300h ushort num_colors; RGBQUAD colors[ num_colors ];