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//--- 010 Editor v6.0.2 Binary Template
// File:
// Author: Marian Denes
// Revision: 2.1
// Date: 2015.06.04
// Purpose: Defines a template for parsing MP4 and MOV files.
local int64 pos;
local int64 pos2;
typedef union {
/*uint number;*/
char text[4];
} _typ;
string typeFullName(_typ& type) {
if (Memcmp(type.text, "ftyp", 4) == 0) return "File type compatibility box";
if (Memcmp(type.text, "mvhd", 4) == 0) return "Movie header box";
if (Memcmp(type.text, "iods", 4) == 0) return "Initial object descriptor box";
if (Memcmp(type.text, "trak", 4) == 0) return "Track box";
if (Memcmp(type.text, "udta", 4) == 0) return "Uset data box";
if (Memcmp(type.text, "mdat", 4) == 0) return "Movie (sample) data box";
if (Memcmp(type.text, "moov", 4) == 0) return "Moovie box";
if (Memcmp(type.text, "tkhd", 4) == 0) return "Track header box";
if (Memcmp(type.text, "mdia", 4) == 0) return "Media box";
if (Memcmp(type.text, "edts", 4) == 0) return "Edit box";
if (Memcmp(type.text, "elst", 4) == 0) return "Edit list";
return "I don't know the full name";
string typeString(_typ& type) {
return "Type of the box: \"" + type.text + "\"";
// MessageBox(idOk, "", "GetCursorPos == %d", GetCursorPos());
while(FTell() < FileSize() - 1) {
struct _box {
uint size <hidden=true>;
_typ type <bgcolor=cLtRed, fgcolor=cWhite, name="Box Type", open=false,
name =typeString/*, comment=typeFullName*/>;
if (Memcmp(type.text, "ftyp", 4) == 0) {
char major_brand[4] <bgcolor=cDkGreen, fgcolor=cWhite, name="Major brand"> ;
char minor_ver [4] <bgcolor=cDkBlue, fgcolor=cWhite, name="Minor version"> ;
uint comp_brands[(size - sizeof(size) - sizeof(type) - sizeof(major_brand) -
sizeof(minor_ver)) / 4] <name = "Compatible brands",
comment = brandName, open=true>;
} else if (Memcmp(type.text, "moov", 4) == 0) {
pos = FTell();
while(FTell() < pos + size - sizeof(size) - sizeof(type))
struct _box2 {
uint size <hidden=true>;
_typ type <bgcolor=cLtRed, fgcolor=cWhite, name="Box Type", open=false,
name =typeString/*, comment=typeFullName*/>;
if (Memcmp(type.text, "mvhd", 4) == 0) {
char version <hidden=true>;
char flags[3] <hidden=true>;
uint crTime <bgcolor=cLtGreen, fgcolor=cBlack, name="Creation Time", open=false>;
uint mdTime <bgcolor=cPurple, fgcolor=cWhite, name="Modification Time", open=false>;
uint tmScale <name="Time scale",comment="Number of units per 1 second">;
uint duration <name="Duration", comment="In units defined in the previous field">;
char rest[size - sizeof(size) - sizeof(type) - sizeof(version) -
sizeof(flags) - sizeof(crTime) - sizeof(mdTime) -
sizeof(tmScale) - sizeof(duration)];
} else if (Memcmp(type.text, "trak", 4) == 0) {
pos2 = FTell();
while(FTell() < pos2 + size - sizeof(size) - sizeof(type))
struct _box3 {
uint size <hidden=true>;
_typ type <bgcolor=cLtRed, fgcolor=cWhite, name="Box Type", open=false,
name = typeString/*, comment=typeFullName*/>;
if (Memcmp(type.text, "tkhd", 4) == 0) {
char version <hidden=true>;
char flags[3] <hidden=true>;
uint crTime <bgcolor=cLtGreen, fgcolor=cBlack, name="Creation Time", open=false>;
uint mdTime <bgcolor=cPurple, fgcolor=cWhite, name="Modification Time", open=false>;
uint trkID < name="Track ID", open=false>;
uint reserv <hidden = true, name="Reserved">;
uint duration < name="Duration", open=false>;
char rest[size - sizeof(size) - sizeof(type) - sizeof(version) -
sizeof(flags) - sizeof(crTime) - sizeof(mdTime) -
sizeof(trkID) - sizeof(reserv) - sizeof(duration)];
} else if (Memcmp(type.text, "edts", 4) == 0) {
struct _box4 {
uint size <hidden=true>;
_typ type <bgcolor=cLtRed, fgcolor=cWhite, name="Box Type", open=false,
name = typeString>;
char version <hidden=true>;
char flags[3] <hidden=true>;
uint entrs<name ="Number of entries">;
struct {
uint trDuration <name="Track duration">;
uint mediaTime <name="Media time">;
uint mediaRate <name="Media rate">;
} entry[entrs] <open=true>;
} box <optimize=false, open=true, comment=boxName4>;
} else
char rest[size - sizeof(size) - sizeof(type)];
} box <optimize=false, open=true, comment=boxName3>;
} else
char rest[size - sizeof(size) - sizeof(type)];
} box <optimize=false, open=true, comment=boxName2>;
} else
char rest[size - sizeof(size) - sizeof(type)];
} box <optimize=false, open=true, comment=boxName>;
string boxName(_box& box) {
return box.type.text + " (" + typeFullName(box.type) + ")";;
string boxName2(_box2& box) {
return box.type.text + " (" + typeFullName(box.type) + ")";
string boxName3(_box3& box) {
return box.type.text + " (" + typeFullName(box.type) + ")";
string boxName4(_box4& box) {
return box.type.text + " (" + typeFullName(box.type) + ")";
string brandName(uint brand) {
local char text[4];
local int i;
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
text[i] = brand >> 8 * (3 - i) & 0xFF;
return text;
// string boxName5(_box5& box) {
// return box.type.text + " (" + typeFullName(box.type) + ")";
// }
// local int i;
// struct DATABLOCK {
// int dataID;
// uchar dataArray[16];
// };
// pos = FTell(); // save read position
// for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
// DATABLOCK data <read=ReadDataBlock>;
// }
// FSeek( pos ); // restore read position
// // Custom read function
// string ReadDataBlock( DATABLOCK &d )
// {
// // string str;
// // SPrintf( str, "ID = '%d'", d.dataID );
// FTell( box[i].type] );
// return str;
// }