
40 lines
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Raw Normal View History

//--- 010 Editor v1.2 Binary Template
// Name:
// Author: James Newton
// Purpose: Sample template for PCX
// header information.
enum <ubyte> PCX_TYPE {
v25 =0, //Version 2.5 of PC Paintbrush
v28Pal =2, //Version 2.8 w/palette information
v28 =3, //Version 2.8 w/o palette information
v5Win =4, //PC Paintbrush for Windows(Plus for Windows uses Ver 5)
v3up =5 //Version 3.0 and > of PC Paintbrush and PC Paintbrush +, includes Publisher's Paintbrush. Includes 24-bit .PCX files.
} ;
struct PCX {
ubyte Manufacturer; //Constant Flag, 10 = ZSoft .pcx
PCX_TYPE version; //Version information
ubyte encoding; //1 = .PCX run length encoding
ubyte BitsPerPixel; //Number of bits to represent a pixel (per Plane) - 1, 2, 4, or 8
ushort Xmin; //Window. Image Dimensions: Xmin,Ymin,Xmax,Ymax
ushort Ymin; //
ushort Xmax; //
ushort Ymax; //
ushort HDpi; //Horizontal Resolution of image in DPI*
ushort VDpi; //Vertical Resolution of image in DPI*
ubyte Colormap[48]; //Color palette setting, see text
ubyte Reserved; //Should be set to 0.
ubyte NPlanes; //Number of color planes
ushort BytesPerLine; //Number of bytes to allocate for a scanline plane. MUST be an EVEN number. Do NOT calculate from Xmax-Xmin.
ushort PaletteInfo; //How to interpret palette- 1 = Color/BW, 2 = Grayscale (ignored in PB IV/ IV +)
ushort HscreenSize; //Horizontal screen size in pixels. New field found only in PB IV/IV Plus
ushort VscreenSize; //Vertical screen size in pixels. New field found only in PB IV/IV Plus
ubyte Filler[54]; //Blank to fill out 128 byte header. Set all bytes to 0
PCX file;